On this day May 6, 1966 Small Faces released their hit single "Hey Girl" To celebrate, a page for Small Faces single "Hey Girl" has been started here: https://www.ronnielane.com/small-faces-single-hey-girl-1966.html Check out single sleeves and watch the fab Small Faces 2 minute black and white promotional video for "Hey Girl". Cheers!
May 5th... For Auction: Ronnie Lane - 'Anymore For Anymore' 2021 White Label Vinyl Test Pressing White Label Auction in aid of The BRIT Trust ...with three pages of other stellar stuff! bit.ly/WhiteLabelAuction2021 Direct link to 'Anymore for Anymore' at the White Label Auction https://bid.omegaauctions.co.uk/auction/lot/lot-76---ronnie-lane---anymore-for-anyone-lp-2021-white-label-test-pressing/?lot=8227 Link to pre-order VINYL re-release of Ronnie Lane's 'Anymore For Anymore' (word is it will be out May 7th or so! ... but this also says Release Date 16 July 2021, so not quite sure...) https://store.udiscovermusic.com/.../Anymore.../6XKN0000000 Follow The BRIT Trust:
Twitter @theBRITtrust / www.twitter.com/thebrittrust Twitter @WhiteLabelAuct / www.twitter.com/whitelabelauct Instagram: @WhiteLabelAuction / www.instagram.com/whitelabelauction Facebook @WhiteLabelAuction / www.facebook.com/whitelabelauction Steve Marriott, Small Faces front-man extraordinaire, passed away this day, April 20, 1991, at 44 years old. Ronnie Lane and Steve Marriott were great friends during the Small Faces days and would later come together to record and play before they were both to pass away. Steve Marriott's biography page at ronnielane.com is far from finished (and in dire need of more photos!), https://www.ronnielane.com/steve-marriott.html Steve Marriott was born January 30, 1947 and would be 74 years old this year. In memory of Mr. Marriott this year, we'll be attempting to date photos that have been found on Pinterest, with great plans to somehow correctly date Steve Marriott photos from here https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ronnielanerecords/small-faces-steve-marriott/ to the Steve Marriott Photographs page here https://www.ronnielane.com/steve-marriott-photographs.html ...then, of course, to add more, more, more! This is the latest we couldn't wait to add to the Steve Marriott bio page... If YOU have any favorite Steve Marriott stories or photos, feel free to email! [email protected] This is one of ours: Through all the fantastic Steve Marriott years, cheers!
In the Spring of 1967 Small Faces were signed to Immediate Records and embarked on a package tour billed with Roy Orbison, Paul & Barry Ryan, Jeff Beck, Sonny Childe and the T.N.T., Robb Storme Group, The Settlers & Ray Cameron, traveling throughout England and Scotland. 54 springs later,.. we are here to find more than a few traces of this historic Small Faces and Roy Orbison concert tour, including posters, playbills, newspaper clips, and the full tour program. For your viewing pleasure they are all being archived here as we find them: https://www.ronnielane.com/small-faces-with-roy-orbison-and-others-concert-tour-march-and-april-1967.html Out of the 30+ dates for this Small Faces with Roy Orbison package tour, we have found two of these same similar event posters
Hoping soon to add more to this groovy collection! Enjoy! P.S. This Small Faces with Roy Orbison package tour is part of a much larger Small Faces concert tour schedule. Were YOU there? Small Faces Concert Tour Dates With Ronnie Lane Master Page
https://www.ronnielane.com/small-faces-concert-tour-dates-with-ronnie-lane-master-page.html Ronnie Lane was born in 1946 on April Fool's Day! It was a Monday. This year would be Ronnie's 75th birthday diamond anniversary. While we have yet to gather Ronnie's birthday celebrations by timeline, this spring we are delving into his song catalog by band and album track lists, with the main focus being tunes from his three major bands: Small Faces, Faces and Slim Chance. Here are the pages started from the Ronnie Lane Working Website Index:
Hope everyone's spring is going smashingly! If you haven't already seen, here is an "April Fool" treat, circa Rough Mix 1977 with Pete Townshend A merry April Fool's day 2012, everybody. And to our diamond in the rough in heaven, Ronnie Lane, Happy Birthday! P.S. If you haven't already, please take your Fab Ronnie Fan self on over and subscribe to the Official Ronnie Lane YouTube channel. He has 3,380 subscribers now, and we'd like to see you and yours there, too! Remember to click on the notifications bell so you'll know when we have uploaded new found material!
On This Day June 29, 1968: Small Faces' "Ogdens' Nutgone Flake" Peaks at Number One on UK Charts6/29/2020 On This Day June 29, 1968 Small Faces' Ogdens' Nutgone Flake album peaks at number one on the UK record chart where it happily remains for six weeks. Small Faces' Ogdens' Nutgone Flake is widely regarded as a classic album, featuring an innovative round cover, the first of its kind, designed to resemble an antique tobacco tin. The title and the design of the distinctive packaging was a parody of Ogden's Nut-brown Flake, a brand of tobacco that was produced in Liverpool from 1899 onwards by Thomas Ogden. Because of the album's complexities, it was never performed live. It was performed as a whole once on the BBC's television programme Colour Me Pop on Friday 21, June 1968. You can enjoy the entire 25 minute production at https://www.ronnielane.com/small-faces-ogdens-nut-gone-flake-album-1968.html Happy 52nd summer to Small Faces' album Ogden's Nutgone Flake! Team Ronnie Lane P.S. We even found Ogdens' on 8-track tape!
Still always in the midst of gathering the finest pics of Ronnie Lane out there and so kindly uploaded to the internet! Special thanks here to Mark Bowman of Mark Bowman Images, a good friend of Ronnie's who spent a great deal of time with him circa 1985-1986 in Austin and Dallas, Texas and in subsequent years, as Ronnie moved to Houston The list is too long to be complete here, but Mark (and his magic fingers) was able to capture Ronnie with many musicians also on the Texas music scene, including Nancy and Ann Wilson of Heart, Jon Bon Jovi and Jimmy Page. That's Mark with Ronnie bottom left.... You definitely won't want to miss Ronnie Lane with Robert Plant, Joe King Carrasco and Stevie Nicks! See rare photos of Ronnie Lane's Les Paul (who has it now?!) and his Faces tortoiseshell bass! Amazing pics, Mark! Thanks! Team Ronnie Lane P.S. Small spoiler of Mark Bowman's favorite photo snapshot of his good friend Jimmy Page. It was taken at a Ronnie Lane party La Mansion Hotel, Austin, Texas after The Firm gig on March 23, 1985. Great stories!
In the spring of 1969, in the short time between Small Faces and Faces, Ronnie Lane gathered together with Art Wood, Ron Wood, Rod Stewart, Kim Gardner, Kenney Jones and Ian McLagan to form Quiet Melon. "I had some studio time so we rounded up Rod Stewart, Kenny Jones, Ian McLagan, Ronnie Lane and Kim Gardner and recorded the songs "Engine 4444" and "Diamond Joe". We played a few Quiet Melon gigs afterwards. But then Rod and Ronnie blew me off, the little bastards, and went on to become hugely famous as the Faces. Oh well." ~Art Wood Listen to Quiet Melon's "Diamond Joe", "Engine 4444" and read more about what Art Wood had to say at https://www.ronnielane.com/art-woods-quiet-melon.html Team Ronnie Lane P.S. From Facebook comments,
"Love these 2 tracks ! I named my son after Diamond Joe, originally wanted to call him Engine 4444 but his mum wouldn't have it." ~Tim C 23 years ago this day, June 4, 1997, Ronnie Lane passed away. Ronnie Lane: April 1, 1946 - June 4, 1997 Much loved mod, rock 'n' roll and blues folk roots singer, songwriter, bassist and guitar player.Well known for his membership in the prominent English rock bands Small Faces (1965-69), Faces (1970-73) and Slim Chance (1974-mid 80's) and his prolific body of work and multiple collaborations with other world-class artists and musicians. To see an overview of the ever expanding story of Ronnie Lane https://www.ronnielane.com/about.html See more about The Passing Show: The Life & Music of Ronnie Lane https://www.ronnielane.com/the-passing-show-the-life-and-music-of-ronnie-lane-2006-film-video-dvd.html Everyone still misses you, Ronnie!
The Ogden's Nutgone Flake page is under construction for summer 2020. If you have any stories, memorabilia and/or photos you would like to see shared to this page, please email to: [email protected] There are already many gems so far, including the one time only Small Faces theatrical performance of this fantastic concept album on the BBC's Colour Me Pop (25:52), featuring: "Song of a Baker", "Lazy Sunday" (official video!), "Happiness Stan", "Rollin' Over", "The Hungry Intruder", "The Journey", "Mad John" and "Happydaystoytown", narrated by Master of Gobbledegook, Stanley Unwin! Sneak peak of Small Faces "Song of a Baker" on Youtube To view all of the 25:26 performance and other gems as we find them, cruise over to the Small Faces Ogdens' Nutgone Flake page straight away! https://www.ronnielane.com/small-faces-ogdens-nut-gone-flake-album-1968.html "The Journey" If tomorrow was today It would yesterday The sun is surely just a thought away Where visions that men fail To put to words to tale And music that they try but cannot (p)lay You're right it's just a dream, your company so kind Hold very tightly please and we shall go out.... ~Small Faces: Ronnie Lane, Kenney Jones, Ian McLagan & Steve Marrott Enjoy the Small Faces Ogdens' Nutgone Flake page! Team Ronnie Lane
We've not yet gotten a chance to delve into the wonderland of
Ronnie Lane instruments with one small exception... Ronnie's acoustic resonator made straight from the hands of Tony Zemaitis!
At the Ronnie Lane Zemaitis Acoustic Resonator Guitar page there are
tons of photos, video of Ronnie playing this guitar with Slim Chance on "Debris" and "Ooh La La", and heart-felt words about Ronnie from Tony.
You can find tons more information about this acoustic beauty here at
Keith Smart, the now proud owner of Ronnie's resonator (and contributor
to The Zemaitis Club!- see Keith's special Ronnie Lane issue here) is having a live stream chat tomorrow 5pm London time and is sure to mention and maybe even play this stunning piece.
Team Ronnie Lane
P.S. You might notice here next to Ronnie's guitar is a hidden photo of the Ronnie Lane Mobile Studio. If you've never heard of it before, it was one of only two mobile recording studios available in the early 1970s and was used to record some of the most loved albums of Led Zeppelin, The Who, Bad Company, Eric Clapton and Slim Chance. Have a glimpse of the LMS:
https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lanes-mobile-studio-lms.html Rare photo of Ronnie Lane with his mother and family. Happy Mothers' Day to All Ronnie Lane Fan Mums! For just a tad bit more on Ronnie's family please see https://www.ronnielane.com/about.html A lovely day to you lovely ladies! Team Ronnie Lane
"Flashes From The Archives of Oblivion" - Ronnie Lane with Roy Harper and Friends February 14, 19745/3/2020 Finally solved the mystery of why Ronnie Lane is in the same room with Roy Harper, Jimmy Page, John Bonham, Keith Moon and Robert plant but in the few photos that have been preserved they have on different outfits! The Intergalactic Elephant Band: Roy Harper, Ronnie Lane, John Bonham, Max Middleton, Jimmy Page & Keith Moon Answers can be found once you check out Roy Harper's record release party for Valentine on February 14, 1974, billed as "Roy Harper's Valentines Day Massacre", where all these fine folks, including Ronnie Lane, were in attendance. Roy Harper's Valentines Day Massacre Concert February 14, 1974 Rainbow Theatre, Finsbury Park, London England https://www.ronnielane.com/roy-harpers-valentines-day-massacre-concert-february-14-1974-rainbow-theatre-finsbury-park-london-england.html Roy Harper - Flashes From The Archives Of Oblivion Double Live Album (1974) https://www.ronnielane.com/roy-harper-flashes-from-the-archives-of-oblivion-double-live-album-1974.html Roy Harper - Valentine Album 1974 https://www.ronnielane.com/roy-harper-valentine-album-1974.html As is the case with much of Ronnie Lane history, one album leads to an event which leads to another album. They all tie together, so don't miss any of them! Each contains their own blend of videos, photos and stories. P.S. If anyone has pics of Robert Plant's face for this event, hit us up at
[email protected]! One of the UK’s most charismatic & distinctive rock frontmen, Steve Marriott of Small Faces and Humble Pie, passed away 29 years ago today on April 20, 1991. He was 44 years young. To commemorate, we've begun a few pages to celebrate the life and times of Steve Marriott, including listen to links, videos with rare stories, memorabilia, photos and interviews. We'll add lots of tasty info as we go & keep you posted!
Ronnie Lane was born in 1946 on April Fool's Day! It was a Monday. While we have yet to gather Ronnie's birthday celebrations by timeline, this spring we have been delving into Pete Townshend and Ronnie Lane's 1977 album Rough Mix. Just today we received in the post this hot CD copy from JAPAN (swoon!)! Like honeysuckles smell the blooms! Thank You! Doumo arigatou gozaimasu! On the new Rough Mix album page you'll find all kinds of gems including links to listen to Rough Mix, promotional posters, Eric Clapton tid-bits and a 10 minute live interview with Ronnie and Pete Townshend on The Old Grey Whistle Test! To whet your whistle on Ronnie Lane's birthday, a sneak peek here of a well loved song written and preformed by the man himself, titled "April Fool". So now that you've seen and heard a taste of Ronnie Lane and Rough Mix, what are you waiting for? Head on over.... Happy Birthday, Ronnie! Team Ronnie Lane Just prior to Ronnie Lane's fourth "solo" album See Me release in 1980, he was part of an historic gathering of top-notch musicians at the end of 1979 to benefit war-torn Kampuchea (now Cambodia). In 1981 The Concerts For Kampucha was released as 2 double live LPs. Spear-headed by Paul McCartney, The Concerts For Kampuchea were held at the Hammersmith Odeon in London, UK December 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th 1979. Many acts were there including The Who, Pretenders, Elvis Costello & The Attractions, Rockpile with Robert Plant, Queen, The Clash, and, to close the shows, Rockestra! This page is still far from finished, but take a sneak peek at Ronnie Lane and friends in spiffy silver suits (sans Pete Townshend, looks shook at 1:25 of "Lucille"!), with extended behind-the-scenes views of Abbey Road Studios. Rockin' with Rockestra! Team Ronnie Lane P.S. Sneak-sneak-peek at one of the many video gems we have been able to find of the filming of The Concerts For Kampuchia. Rockestra encored the shows with three raucous tunes, the first of which was "Lucille": Catch the other tunes ("Let It Be" and "Rockestra Theme") here, the last created and won a new category of music at the 1980 Grammys! CHEERS!
Got Ronnie Lane social media links and icons rockin'! Just click on one and you'll be there! Took about a year, but all of Ronnie Lane's major social media outlets have been "secured"! That means Ronnie Lane is now officially on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube and Spotify! Hope you'll have a gander at each one. Just click on any of the fancy icons. Ronnie Lane social media links have also been placed in the footer of every page of his website here so navigation to there is always easy! "Like" and "sub" if you are of the mind! Thanks for stopping by, Team Ronnie Lane P.S. Ronnie Lane's web page here also keeps track of his social medias
https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lane-social-media-and-internet-links.html Took awhile, but finally found the booklet notes for Ronnie Lane's fourth and final solo album See Me. Mind you, notes are from the 1996 CD reissue. We have a few more notes for the 1979-1980 Ronnie years! https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lane-see-me-album-1980.html
While we're now headed on to Ronnie's three previous solo albums, we'll be adding new things as we find them, so check back often: Cheers! Team Ronnie Lane P.S. When you go here you can hear all of the See Me album, deluxe style!
Moving from the bottom up of the vast albums found at the Ronnie Lane Complete Album Discography page, we've finally come to the original Ronnie Lane & Steve Marriott 1981 collaboration album The Legendary Majik Mijits. If you can't wait, here's the page:
We've started to compile the captivating story of Ronnie Lane and Steve Marriott back together again, playing at such places as The Break House in Canning Town in East London, where famous rock stars could still get an intimate get-together and have a row every now and then! Here is what we have for your looking so far: As The Legendary Majik Mijits is a hard find, his page also has a link to Spotify for listening! Still have to sift through stories and are waiting on liner notes, but hope you enjoy your six of one, a half dozen of the other listen to Lane-Marriott read! Cheers! Team Ronnie Lane P.S. While this page is also just getting its legs, you must know, The Legendary Majik Mijits album was also recorded at the LMS!
Find your Ronnie Lane album! Looks like this Ronnie Lane "complete" album discography graphic already needs an updating, but want to make sure y'all found the page to get there to check against your own collections https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lane-complete-album-discography.html From Small Faces to the Texas Years, at Ronnie's album discography page there are all kinds of interesting finds, including album covers, number of known versions, record companies and release dates. Also from the Ronnie Lane Album Discography page we have started a new page for every album you see there, at least 67 ....so far! Right now all Ronnie Lane album pages are "in progress", but are starting to fill in with track lists, musician credits, photos and links to listen. We hope you are able to find your match and if you'd like to send any pics of your Ronnie Lane collection, you can submit them at [email protected] Enjoy!
Team Ronnie Lane One would think documenting the life of Ronnie Lane would be easy. One day at a time and it should all roll out in order, magnificently, right? Well, we got that magnificent part right! But are obviously running into the wonderful chaos the world of music can bring about, where musicians find themselves working with other such lively folks, often with their 10 talented fingers in far more than one project! Such also is the life of Ronnie Lane ...and his website! While you'll see "this page is a work in progress" on virtually every page of this Ronnie Lane website, there are some small methods to this musical madness getting everything straight! Just in case you missed it in the drop down menu, we'd like to introduce you to the Ronnie Lane Working Website Index page: It's here at this index page we add newly built pages so we don't get lost or miss anything on the back end. And so you, Dear Fab Ronnie Lane Fan, maybe locate what you might be looking for about this well-traveled man. We find the most fascinating things researching hither and yon. Like who knew the red bus from Ronnie's short The Passing Show tour is for sale?!! Honestly, it is difficult to conceive efficiently all of the events of Mr. Lane's life all at once. And as soon as we hitch to one era of his life, five plus more saddle themselves up! All the eras could be websites in and of themselves! As we pull together the many strands of Ronnie Lane's colorful tapestry of life, approximately all of the pages you will see over the next year will remain in various stages of construction. Many will stay blank for quite a bit. We would apologize for that, but really, as it's turning out, it's just the nature and the size of building his complex website. To date there are 175 pages. Soon, surely at least that many more. Thanks for your patience! Hope you will enjoy the Ronnie Lane Working Website Index and do check back. We often update. Fanks! Best!
Team Ronnie Lane P.S. ...and please, "excuse our mess"! Still have quite a few photos to upload, but we've add a ton of new information about Ronnie Lane and his Live In Austin album, with extensive notes and stories of Ronnie's Texas recordings (thanks, Kent Benjamin!), in-depth glowing reviews and yes... finally, the final 2019 winners of this CD. Check it all here and see how YOU might get a copy yourself in 2020! https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lane-live-in-austin-album-2000.html Team Ronnie Lane
Not too long ago we were let in on the little known secret that the Ronnie Lane and Slim Chance The Passing Show tour bus is for sale! Yep! The one featured on the back of Ronnie's 1976 One For the Road album! So excited, whipped up a web page and have been adding fascinating slices of history to it. Like, did you know.... -This bus was the main feature & tour bus transport for Ronnie Lane and Slim Chance's short The Passing Show Tour? -Eric Clapton spent considerable time around this bus and wrote "You Look Wonderful Tonight" while hanging out with Ronnie! Anyone ever heard of or been to The Drum and Monkey?! -The engine has done a maximum of 10k miles since being reconditioned, has had recent new tyres, brakes, pipes etc.... It starts as it should and runs as it should! We're still gathering information (so if you have any, or a particular interest in purchase, please visit the Ronnie Lane Passing Show tour bus page. There's even some sneak peek pics of the inside! https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lane-and-slim-chance-the-passing-show-tour-bus-for-sale.html See You There!
Team Ronnie Lane All of Ronnie Lane's North American ARMS Tour dates have been gathered, nine all together and all in 1983. Next steps, to add band line-ups, set lists and photographs galore! Were you there? Check them all out here! https://www.ronnielane.com/ronnie-lane-north-american-arms-tour-1983.html Team Ronnie Lane
THIS EVENT (AND MANY OTHERS) WAS CANCELLED BY CORONAVIRUS Mark your calendars for A Celebration of Ronnie Lane: featuring the music of Small Faces, Faces and Solo Years Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at The Cutting Room in New York City! (Ronnie's 74th!) ...for those either way across the pond that can't make it to NYC, hoping for a wee bit of live streaming :} Even if it's a little far for most, please head on over to fab Facebook and check the "Interested" box! https://www.facebook.com/events/180699953172602/ Thanks a bunch!
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